Generally speaking, casino players can broadly be classified into two groups. On one hand, some players favour chance (luck) based games. When playing such games, players do not need any specific skill set to win. Rather, all they need is for lady luck to visit during the gaming session and shower some fortune blessings. On the other hand, some players favour skill-based games. To excel when playing such games, it’s a prerequisite for players to possess a specific skill set. One such skill-based game which is highly popular is poker. This guide is going to explain what poker is while at the same time exposing and exploring the different variations (types) of poker card games.
An Explanation of Poker Card Games
In explaining what poker card games are, we are going to borrow Wikipedia’s apt explanation which reads, “Poker is a family of comparing card games in which players wager over which hand is best according to that specific game’s rules”. This explanation aptly describes what poker card games are. However, to get a better understanding, let’s just break down the explanation.
- Comparing card games: This is one of the key aspects of any poker card game. essentially, the objective is to compare the cards which are dealt (distributed) by the dealer as well as the cards which players draw themselves (pick up from the remaining deck cards on the table – often referred to as community cards)
- Hand: In comparing their cards, poker players are guided by the hand they are holding in comparison to the hand held by other competing players. When talking about a hand, we are simply referring to the nature of the cards one is holding (card suit and ranking – 0 to 10, A, j, Q, K)
- Specific Game’s Rules: The mentioning of ‘specific game’s rules’ simply illustrate the fact that poker has many variations and each variation does have distinct game rules.
The Top Poker Card Games Variations

Poker has many variations – over a dozen. Poker players, therefore, are spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing the poker game to play. This guide will help in making the task of picking the poker variation to play easier as it illustrates the basic details about each variation. Players can therefore pick the one that they find desirable.
Texas Hold ’em
Arguably the most popular poker card game is Texas Hold ‘em. Inside the poker lobbies of most online casinos, Texas Hold ‘em is a common feature. Such is the popularity of this variation that it’s used at most poker tournaments including the World Series of Poker (WSOP), World Poker Tour and the World Championship of Online Poker.
The popularity of Texas Hold ‘em is largely necessitated by its relatively straightforward rules and gameplay. The game starts with two players to the left of the dealer (button when playing online) place forced bets known as blinds. Hole cards are then dealt to all players and the player to the left of the big blind (bigger first bet placed) takes an action and the gameplay continues clockwise. The action that players may take during the gaming round include the call, raise or fold. Several rounds then ensue until the River (last betting round) where the remaining players compare cards to determine the winner.
Omaha Hi
Also dominating the lobbies of most poker rooms is Omaha Hi. Though it’s a variation, Omaha Hi does have its own game types the most popular being Pot-Limit Omaha (PLO). The gameplay of Omaha Hi is similar to that of Texas Hold ‘em in most respects but differs in that 4-hole cards are dealt during the initial stages of the game instead of two. In making the best hand, players should use only two of the hole cards and three community cards. Owing to the fact that players have to pick only two from four-hole cards in making a hand, Omaha Hi is slightly easier as compared to Texas Hold ‘em which simply restricts players to using just the two-hole cards as is.
7-Card Stud
Before Texas Hold ‘em started dominating poker rooms, it was 7-card Stud which reigned supreme at casinos. The game is simple to learn but difficult to master. Once players place their bets, two face-down cards are dealt followed by one face-up card. The player who receives the lowest face-up card will need to act first by either completing a bet of the smaller increment of the entire game or making a small bring-in bet. Afterwards, the gaming session continues in a clockwise direction. After the round, one other face-up card is dealt but this time it’s the player who receives the highest card value who acts first. Successive rounds follow this pattern until the Seventh Street (7th round) when one card is dealt face down. It’s at this point that players compare their cards to come up with the best possible 5-card hand using both face-down and face-up cards.
2-7 Triple Draw
2-7 Triple Draw is one of the simplest poker variations to learn hence it’s a great proposition for poker beginners. This game is a bit unique in that the objective is not to make the best high-value 5-card hand but rather, to make the best ‘low’ hand. In doing so, note that flushes and straights count against making a low hand while Aces always rank high. Once players place their bets, each of them is awarded a 5-card hand. The hand is dealt face down and cannot be exposed to any other player. Afterwards, the gaming round ensues with the player to the left of the dealer (button when playing online) taking action. The action entails drawing new cards from the community pool. Players have three chances to draw cards. Players can also choose to ‘stand pat’ (keep the first 5 dealt cards as is and not draw any new card if they feel the initial hand is strong enough to win).
5-Card Draw
5-Card Draw in most aspects is similar to 2-7 Triple Draw. This is largely necessitated by the fact that players are dealt 5 cards face down to start the gaming session. There is just one round of drawing which players should make use of to better their hand. 5-Card Draw majorly differs from 2-7 Triple Draw poker in that the objective is to come up with the highest ranked 5-card poker hand instead of the best ‘low’ hand.
Round Up
The above illustrates the fact that poker does come with many variations and each of these variations has its distinct game rules and playing guidelines. By going through the above, players do learn the basics of each poker card game’s variations and hence, get a better understanding of the variation that they find desirable to play once they register an account at top casinos.